About Department

  • Computer Science and Engineering Department started in the year 2008 with an intake of 60 and the department at present has an intake of 120 annually.
  • The state of art facilities and well qualified faculty are taking care of all round development of the students and make them industry as well as job ready.
  • The Department has well- equipped laboratories. It focuses on practical applications in the field of recent trends in Computer Science.
  • In addition to quality teaching, students are exposed to certification courses and workshops along with personality development programs. The gradual increase in the number of participants and competitors for various programs and the growing number of placements reflects the impact of these programs.
  • The department is strengthened with a total of 17 faculties out of 1 is pursuing Ph.D. and 16 are holding M.Tech. degree.


To provide the technical knowledge and soft skills required to succeed in life, career and help society to achieve self-sufficiency.
The CSE Department is committed

  • To achieve excellence in higher education and research through dissemination of quality technical education with a strong foundation.
  • To continuously scout for and build opportunities in the field of IT and sustain long-term interaction with the institute and industry.
  • To build and uphold high professional and ethical standards to make the nation noted for its progressive contribution to global society.

  • Vision

    The vision of the Computer Science and Engineering Department is to become a nationally and internationally leading institution of higher learning, building upon the culture and the values of universal science and contemporary education, and a centre of research and education generating the knowledge and the technologies which lay the groundwork in shaping the future in the fields of Computer Science Engineering and contribute to the needs of the society.


    The department has currently an intake of 120 students. It has centralized computer center and well-equipped air-conditioned laboratories with state-of-the art computing facilities, equipped with more than 200 latest Systems along with updated versions of latest software and hardware. The department also has 20 Mbps Leased Line Internet connectivity for the benefit of the students..


    1. Quality Instruction: To assure consistently high-quality instruction in all modes of delivery.
    2. Student Success: To work collaboratively with other areas of the colleges to encourage students to achieve their educational goals and succeed in work and/or continued education.
    3. Program and Curricular: To develop, market and maintain quality programs that are responsive to the needs of our service area.
    4. Technology: To employ appropriate technologies effectively to enhance instruction and student learning.
    5. Professional Development: To foster continuing education and professional development for faculty and staff.

    PEO's & PO's

    Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)

    1. To create graduates with sufficient capabilities in computer engineering who can become researchers, entrepreneurs aid software professionals to satisfy the needs of the core industry, research, academia aid society at large.
    2. To provide opportunity to learn the latest treads in computer engineering aid prepare for life long learning process.
    3. To make the students aware of professional ethics of the software industry, aid prepare them with basic soft skills essential for working ii community aid professional teams.

    Programme Outcomes (POs)

    1. Graduates will demonstrate knowledge ii fundamentals of theory of commutation, programming, algorithms, hardware technology, systems software and Networking.
    2. Graduates will have knowledge of the best practices in software Engineering , project management aid professional work environments.
    3. Graduates will be aware of professional ethics, environmental and sustainability issues.
    4. Graduates will be able to demonstrate the ability to design creative solutions to real life aid most relevant problems faced by the industry and society at large.
    5. Graduates will be able to communicate technical topics ii written and verbal forms.
    6. Graduates will demonstrate their ability to use the state of the art technologies and tools including Free and Open Source Software tools ii developing software.
    7. Graduates will demonstrate good performance ii the competitive examinations for higher education.
    8. Graduates will have ability for life long self-learning. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.